Monday 10 March 2014


Hmmm. I "will post properly on the weekend", if I remember correctly. Apologies all, if you are actually reading this.
Just a thought - to make things easier for all of us, in further posts, I will try to stop being so meta about my readers (if you are actually out there, please leave a comment - it reassures me that I'm not just shooting my voice out into the vast empty chasm of not-looked-at internet, and it gives me that warm happy feeling). I will try and assume that there actually are people out there who are reading and enjoying, and stop being so depressing about it all. Also, I will stop apologising for posting late. If I have posted months after my last post, please assume that I feel desperately guilty about it, because in reality, I do. But this is my last year of school, so I have a lot of other things to do. Sadly, the blog has become a lower priority. But! When I have the time (and inclination), I promise that I will update.

Moving on, today I would like to complain about politics. Other rants about politics can be found herehere and here, so my feelings on the subject mustn't be new for any veteran reader. The topic of my bemused laughter today is a relatively high-up (who was being primed to take over the highest-up's job when he retires, no less!) in state politics who has just resigned his job today. He has been on mysterious 'personal leave' for the past two weeks, and has apparently had a breakdown. I do feel bad for him, but honestly, I'm not sure if this was the first cause of him taking leave.
Because apparently, as evidence released today states, Master High-up was driving home from a wedding (presumably slightly plastered), and crashed his car into his home gate. For anybody who knows who I'm talking about, this shouldn't come as a surprise. Master High-up has rather a lot of a reputation for being an irresponsible twatbag. His list of prestigious achievements include: sniffing a female MP's chair, twanging a female MP's bra strap, and having an affair with a female MP and being unceremoniously dumped in front of the nation. These female MPs are all different, by the way.
So as I'm sure you can tell, I was slightly amused to hear that he had pissedly driven his car into his gate and thus taken time off to recover. Now, I know that correlation doesn't imply causation, but in this case, I have my suspicions...
The question now is if he jumped, or was pushed...

Again, Literature is being an utter pain, and I must return to my quest to slay the homework dragon. If anybody knows about The Turning, any helpful comments before Thursday would be much appreciated. And no, of course I am not roping the general public in to help with my essay...
So I must bid you all adieu, and promise to see you all anon!

Thursday 6 February 2014

Back from hiatus

Just what the title says, really.
Now, unfortunately, I have things to do, but I will post properly on the weekend. So I shall see thee then, dear reader!