Monday 10 March 2014


Hmmm. I "will post properly on the weekend", if I remember correctly. Apologies all, if you are actually reading this.
Just a thought - to make things easier for all of us, in further posts, I will try to stop being so meta about my readers (if you are actually out there, please leave a comment - it reassures me that I'm not just shooting my voice out into the vast empty chasm of not-looked-at internet, and it gives me that warm happy feeling). I will try and assume that there actually are people out there who are reading and enjoying, and stop being so depressing about it all. Also, I will stop apologising for posting late. If I have posted months after my last post, please assume that I feel desperately guilty about it, because in reality, I do. But this is my last year of school, so I have a lot of other things to do. Sadly, the blog has become a lower priority. But! When I have the time (and inclination), I promise that I will update.

Moving on, today I would like to complain about politics. Other rants about politics can be found herehere and here, so my feelings on the subject mustn't be new for any veteran reader. The topic of my bemused laughter today is a relatively high-up (who was being primed to take over the highest-up's job when he retires, no less!) in state politics who has just resigned his job today. He has been on mysterious 'personal leave' for the past two weeks, and has apparently had a breakdown. I do feel bad for him, but honestly, I'm not sure if this was the first cause of him taking leave.
Because apparently, as evidence released today states, Master High-up was driving home from a wedding (presumably slightly plastered), and crashed his car into his home gate. For anybody who knows who I'm talking about, this shouldn't come as a surprise. Master High-up has rather a lot of a reputation for being an irresponsible twatbag. His list of prestigious achievements include: sniffing a female MP's chair, twanging a female MP's bra strap, and having an affair with a female MP and being unceremoniously dumped in front of the nation. These female MPs are all different, by the way.
So as I'm sure you can tell, I was slightly amused to hear that he had pissedly driven his car into his gate and thus taken time off to recover. Now, I know that correlation doesn't imply causation, but in this case, I have my suspicions...
The question now is if he jumped, or was pushed...

Again, Literature is being an utter pain, and I must return to my quest to slay the homework dragon. If anybody knows about The Turning, any helpful comments before Thursday would be much appreciated. And no, of course I am not roping the general public in to help with my essay...
So I must bid you all adieu, and promise to see you all anon!

Thursday 6 February 2014

Back from hiatus

Just what the title says, really.
Now, unfortunately, I have things to do, but I will post properly on the weekend. So I shall see thee then, dear reader!

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Anathema, homework and reimaging

Short post today explaining the situation over the past, present and future....
Anathema: Mine, completely mine. That's why I haven't been posting regularly over November, even though I have about five half-ideas.
Homework: Why today's post is only short. Philosophy presentation tomorrow, Italian presentation Thursday, and Music assignment due Friday. And we're meant to be slowing down?
Reimaging: Why I won't be posting over the next month-and-a-bit. I have to hand my tablet in for reimaging (whatever that is), so I won't get it back until some time when we go back to school in February.
So goodbye for now, fair readers!

Sunday 17 November 2013

The Swing of Things

Getting back into them, I mean.
It's hard. Exams are over, and the new school year has started for us (getting a head start on next year's curriculum). We're easing back into it all, and I've got most of my results back. I'm happy with those that I've got, but one of the two I have yet to get is Lit, and we all know how I feel about that now, don't we? Seriously, I like Lit as a subject, but I really don't like and am not great at writing essays. So I've got this buildup of fear and panic like a five metre long worm in my stomach. Errh. Depending on what I get, and whether I have the time and inclination to post, I may or may not put my result up. Maybe. Or maybe I won't. The suspense!
Ahhh. The house situation is going pretty well, actually. We haven't moved in yet (cue: Awwww), but the floor guy has been, the plasterer is done as well and the door guy has finished too. The painter is half done and we still need the tiler to come in, but apart from that...
Hopefully, we should be moving in around mid-December, if not a little sooner. I'll let you know (probably with a lot of exclamation marks) when we move.
I don't know what else to say, really. There's not much else of interest going on in my life at the moment (which explains why it's taken me about two hours to write this - I can't think of anything interesting to say). But rest assured, I shall inform you if something happens.
Farewell dear readers, and I bid you adieu until the next time!

Monday 4 November 2013

Apologies Inc.

And here I go with the apology post I've been meaning to put up for a while...

Right, O readers, I haven't forgotten about my blog, promise. And I'll keep updating on a (fairly) regular time frame of, ooh, once a week? More if I have more news. Also promise. But just lately, I've been having exams and stuff, and my personal life has been eaten by exammyness. I'll get back into my semiregular posting after exams have finished (for me, end of this week).
Noooo no no no no, I don't want to talk about it. I can't think about exams after I've done them, because then I get really really stressed. I'm halfway through, though, which is good. I'm really looking forward to finishing.
Aaaand hopefully so are you, dear readers, because you can have more meaningless updates on the happenings of my life!
Write it in your diaries, for this weekend I returneth to the blogosphere!

Thursday 3 October 2013

And then there's me, making noises like a ferret

...Referring to my soccer semi and grand final.

The Sunday we were due to have our soccer semifinal was wet and miserable. And of course, the pitch that we were playing at, because it had to be unrelated to either team, was a 45 minute drive away.
When we got there, it was bucketing down with rain. My team started warming up, in the rain, and we walked over to look at the pitch we'd be playing at. And because Football West is such a sexist organisation, all the boys teams got the good pitches while we were left with only one pitch that was so waterlogged that the water could be brushed off the pitch with a broom, as I saw some people doing. Seriously, the grass went squish as we walked on it.
We weren't allowed to play, of course. Everyone said that if we played on that pitch someone would slip and break something, or get a foot stuck in the mud and twist an ankle. In fact, we heard that one of the people on the team that *did* play on that pitch afterwards had to be stretchered off, so it was lucky we didn't play.
90 minutes of driving for nothing. The game was postponed to later in the week.
Thursday night was the time of the actual game, again out in Yonder Bognie, but my goodness, the pitch was amazing. It was professional quality. There was even a grandstand for the spectators. (And a fence surrounding the pitch which I got stuck on climbing over it, but let's not go there...)
And wow was it intense! That's the only word for it. Nil-all until half-time, and there were some great tries from both teams, and some truly spectacular saves from our goalie. It was only halfway into the second half when we got a goal, and there was much relieved screaming and hugging etc. from the people (including me) on the sidelines. Talk about a release of tension!
The final score was 1-0 to us.
And that's when the ferret noise comes in.
I was off for a bit before and after half-time, and it was that intense - if something happened that might have let the opposition get a goal, or if we missed a shot or something, I was really really trying not to swear, and so making like "fufufufufufufufufufufufu" - which is the noise made by an angry ferret. Everyone else is screaming - I'm going "fufufufufufufufufufufufufu".  Like a ferret.
It is also the noise made by a tiger, I think, but really, in my case I think a ferret is more appropriate.

And so we got into the grand final. Another rainy day, as always. The same girl who got the goal in our semi got a goal in the first couple of minutes of the game. We then spent the rest of the first half and most of the second trying to get another - when the other team scored. Mass panic - it might have had to go penalties, which noone wanted. But I reckon the minute after that (it was an insanely short time, in any case) we got a goal - and not just a goal. Our girl got it in from a header!
Best goal of the season, I think. Nobody I know has ever got a header goal before.
2-1 to us. WE WON!
We got medals and a trophy. Yeah!

So, 'til the next season! It's going to be great!

Monday 23 September 2013


Looking through some old posts, I have found that it's quite awkward and unwieldy to keep using "my friend", "my other friend" and other such terms when recounting tales in which they feature. However, I can't use their names without getting red-flagged by my paranoia.
The only solution: codenames.
In no particular order, my friends now are:
Fuzzy, Gingernut, Fangirl, Slytherin, Techie, Ostrich, Alien, Lily and Median.
These are just my main friends in my year.

If you guys think you know who you are, please *don't* put anything on here, because - because paranoid. Please please please talk to me in real life. Thanks!

That's all for tonight - I have Literature to study for.
(Note: Lit essay was compromised by the teachers' strike; therefore it is tomorrow. Oh joy. But I did have extra time to study, so.... Fingers crossed, anyway.)

Farewell, dear readers, until we meet again!