Saturday 27 July 2013

Ghostbusters 101

There is a Ghostbuster at my school.
(A real one!)
And he shall be the topic of my first drabble.
He's a retired science teacher who still does relief work, is the chief locker guy, and generally lurks around. He was my Chemistry teacher's teacher, and according to her looks the same now as he did back then.
But that isn't why he's a Ghostbuster.
He is a Ghostbuster because:
* He goes hunting. True fact.
* He uses night-vision goggles while hunting. Also true.
* He tests said night-vision goggles...............
In. The. Cemetery.
This final piece of proof sent my friend (who came up with the idea) into spasms of shocked laughter. We have made it our personal mission now to, whenever we see him, talk about Ghostbusters so he knows we know. Really. We chased him to his car once just about yelling "Ghostbusters!" "Yeah, Ghostbusters!" "Definitely Ghostbusters!"
The main topic of this drabble is what happened in Chemistry on Tuesday. Now, my Chem teacher is a great teacher, and an amazing person, but she's not that strict, and so people talk a lot, and make jokes, and class is generally really really loud. To the point where my teacher opened the windows on a freezing cold day to apply the Kinetic Theory. (If you don't get this, you're not enough of a nerd for this blog. And I won't tell you, either.)
But on Tuesday we had said Ghostbuster, while my teacher was doing a course in Sydney. And we had the quietest Chemistry lesson for the entire year. Why? Because of something this teacher had said early on during the lesson. To the best of my memory, I quote:
"I was killing stuff all holidays."
"Except for the occasional coffee."
"And I don't think I'm done yet."

Time to wrap this up, methinks.
Remember to keep a place in your lives for the melancholy of petrichor.

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