Sunday 17 November 2013

The Swing of Things

Getting back into them, I mean.
It's hard. Exams are over, and the new school year has started for us (getting a head start on next year's curriculum). We're easing back into it all, and I've got most of my results back. I'm happy with those that I've got, but one of the two I have yet to get is Lit, and we all know how I feel about that now, don't we? Seriously, I like Lit as a subject, but I really don't like and am not great at writing essays. So I've got this buildup of fear and panic like a five metre long worm in my stomach. Errh. Depending on what I get, and whether I have the time and inclination to post, I may or may not put my result up. Maybe. Or maybe I won't. The suspense!
Ahhh. The house situation is going pretty well, actually. We haven't moved in yet (cue: Awwww), but the floor guy has been, the plasterer is done as well and the door guy has finished too. The painter is half done and we still need the tiler to come in, but apart from that...
Hopefully, we should be moving in around mid-December, if not a little sooner. I'll let you know (probably with a lot of exclamation marks) when we move.
I don't know what else to say, really. There's not much else of interest going on in my life at the moment (which explains why it's taken me about two hours to write this - I can't think of anything interesting to say). But rest assured, I shall inform you if something happens.
Farewell dear readers, and I bid you adieu until the next time!

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