Monday 4 November 2013

Apologies Inc.

And here I go with the apology post I've been meaning to put up for a while...

Right, O readers, I haven't forgotten about my blog, promise. And I'll keep updating on a (fairly) regular time frame of, ooh, once a week? More if I have more news. Also promise. But just lately, I've been having exams and stuff, and my personal life has been eaten by exammyness. I'll get back into my semiregular posting after exams have finished (for me, end of this week).
Noooo no no no no, I don't want to talk about it. I can't think about exams after I've done them, because then I get really really stressed. I'm halfway through, though, which is good. I'm really looking forward to finishing.
Aaaand hopefully so are you, dear readers, because you can have more meaningless updates on the happenings of my life!
Write it in your diaries, for this weekend I returneth to the blogosphere!

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