Tuesday 10 September 2013

Readers? Holy [censored]!

Things to say today:
First of all. I have readers? I track pageviews (who doesn't?) and I have found that people in the US read my blog...
Hi, Americanians! I hope you like my blog!
But yeah, if anyone out there does read my blog, please leave a comment. I am a desperate, angsty person. I like to know I'm somewhat appreciated.
Secondmostestly. I self-censor. Really really. I cuss like a sailor in the privacy of my own head. For example, I had Tim Minchin's The Pope Song stuck in my head this evening (on loop, no less), but when it comes to swearing, I just... don't. I don't know why.
Fun things to know about me, I guess.
That is all for this post. I think in about a minute I'll put up a post complaining about politics, but I don't want to sully this post.
Goodnight all, and 'til the next time!

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