Tuesday 10 September 2013

They're all scumbags, really

Politicians, I mean. We had the federal election last weekend, and it was a really tough call who to vote for. Not because the parties were both good, I mean, but because they are both amazingly screwed up. It's meant to be between right and left wingers, but it really ended up between right and righter. Liberals, Tories, Democrats - different words for the same lot of people and political ideas, and now the people who are meant to be on the left are migrating over to be more conservative.
I'll give you a quick run down on the two major parties we had to choose from:
Party One
Backstabbers and traitors. Have been through multiple leaders over the past few years. Used to be liberal, but are now rather conservative.
Party Two
Extremely negative. Stop the boats, stop the taxes, stop the anything you care to name, really. Wholly and solely conservative from the beginning.

Party Two won.

Thank God the Senate is shaping up to be more interesting, with members for the Palmer United Party (led by an eccentric billionaire with a taste for conspiracy theories), the Motoring Enthusiasts Party, the Sport Party, and, while running, I don't think they got in, but the HEMP Party (Help End Marijuana Prohibition Party) and the No Greens Party (staunchly opposing, I think, the Greens party, who did indeed get in).

God help us all. We're in for another three years of truly awful government.

Thankyou all for bearing with me while I rant.


  1. I had a look at the list of both current parties and deregistered parties and saw one party called the "Deadly Serious Party of Australia." According to Wikipedia they had policies like dispatching a flock of killer penguins to protect Australia's coastline from Argentine invasion.

  2. Holy cow! That is... amazing. I am truly speechless.
    Thank God I'm typing so I can actually say stuff :)

  3. Oh bollocks.
    I just realised that where I put 'Democrats', I instead should have written 'Republicans'. I shall change that presently.
