Sunday 11 August 2013


Do I have any band geeks in readership? Do I have anyone in readership? I'll assume that I do, but I won't assume you know what the titular acronym stands for, so I'll enlighten you. (Country starting with A that I'm too paranoid about) Band and Orchestra Directors' Association.
I am a band person and an orchestra person (flute, in case anyone was interested), and the Orchestra Festival was on today. The results were up on the web within minutes of our performance (we finished the whole thing), and we got an Outstanding! (That is, the highest achievement. It's not a competition. (We tell ourselves, and compete with the other orchestras and bands for the number of Outstandings a group gets.))
Another highlight was the muck-up photo, the theme for this year being "royal baby", in honour of young Prince George. Ahhh.
We had: many, many Will and Kate masks, party hats, blow-out streamer things, IT'S A BOY banners, teddies, people being morning-sick into the tuba, and our conductor holding a baby doll. It was great. And I kept my blow-out streamer thing to annoy people with! Mwaha! But then my friend confiscated it (I was annoying him, so it was fair, I guess - and he had my flute, so we had to trade), so I couldn't continue with my plans for evil. Oh well - there's always next time!
One down, one to go. Wish me luck in the band festival next week!

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